Children's dentistry
Our little ones may be afraid, and many problems may occur during the initial treatment of teeth. Situations such as these are stressful for both parents and children.
At Idental Clinique we offer comprehensive prevention programs including, among others:
- a periodical dental check up,
- oral hygiene instruction,
- fluoride treatment,
- sealing the furrows of molars and premolars,
- varnishing the surface of the teeth,
- tartar removal (scaling),
- tartar removal (sanding).
At Idental Clinique we offer adaptation visits, during which a child can gradually get used to the presence of a doctor, office and dental tools.
In the field of children's dentistry we offer:
- painless caries treatment,
- anaesthetic gels with different flavours,
- colourful fillings,
- sealing,
- fluoride treatment,
- baby tooth extraction.

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